Don't Use Lodash
- Lodash functions are unnecessary. Just use ES6 functions.
- Lodash increases your bundle size massively, for little gain.
- Reaching for Lodash every time makes you think in Lodash.
If you need backwards compatibility for your web app (really? why?) then use a polyfill library and a transpiler.
Tiny Libraries
"Why should I write a function if there's just a library for it?"- Average JavaScript Clown 🤡
The TLDR for this bit is that if you can easily and safely do what a library does with native language features, you should.
Dependencies generate work
Dependencies are debt, which constantly collects. Anyone who has spent any time in software development will be familiar with a ticket that reads something like this:
Upgrade from React 16 to React 18
(estimated time: 2 weeks)
Upgrade some-css-in-js-library to X.X
(estimated time: 1 week)
Dependencies force you to play their game, and will generate work for you forever. That is, until they stop being maintained.
In a language like Rust, libraries eventually complete. In JavaScript, libraries eventually die.
When they die, you'll start seeing tickets like
Migrate from some-css-in-js to yet-another-css-in-js
(estimated time: 2 weeks)
Dependencies could break, horrifically
And that's hardly to mention the security implications of any dependency. This is particularly true in the world of npm.
Look no further than the infamous leftpad incident or the infamous node-ipc incident. Malicious npm packages are not even considered uncommon.
The point of Lodash
Before the creation of ECMAScript versions ES2009 (ES5) and ES2015 (ES6), Lodash made a lot of sense.
Generally, it performs two (very common) functions - iterating and type checking.
Iterating over stuff
Imagine needing to filter some incoming data, and .filter()
doesn't exist.
You could write:
var fruits = [
{ name: 'banana', price: 1.5 },
{ name: 'apple', price: 1.0 },
{ name: 'blueberry', price: 3 },
{ name: 'mango', price: 2.1 },
var expensiveFruit = [];
// and for..of do not exist yet either, those are in ES2015.
for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
if (fruits[i]['price'] > 2) {
// expensiveFruit = blueberry, mango
But with Lodash you can use their suite of functional programming to really narrow it down:
var _ = require('lodash');
// expensiveFruit = blueberry, mango
var expensiveFruit = _.filter(fruits, function(f) {
return f['price'] > 2;
This is declarative rather than imperative and, at least personally is much easier to read.
Or consider even just mapping, you'd have to do the same thing:
// Vanilla pre-ES2009
var fruitNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
// Lodash
var fruitNames =, 'name');
Without any of the tools, Lodash appears like magic.
Runtime type checking
Let's say at runtime, you want to be certain that you have been passed an array, and that array has some values in it. People used to write entire articles about that, alone.
function isArray(obj) {
// This catches false, null, undefined, NaN, 0 and ""
if (!obj) {
return false;
// This catches string, number, true
if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return false;
if (obj['length'] && obj['length'] > 0) {
return true;
There are a million other ways of doing this, none of which are particularly pretty or nice:
function isArray(obj) {
// You need a JavaScript degree to tell me what this means.
// It's also not particularly performant, but whatever.
return === '[object Array]';
But enter Lodash:
var _ = require('lodash');
function needsAnArray(arr) {
if (_.isEmpty(arr) || !_.isArray(arr)) {
return, function (e) { ... });
It is so much nicer.
So I, of course, respect what Lodash used to bring to the table.
Enter ECMA.
Much of what made Lodash useful has just been directly implemented into ES2009 and ES2015.
Modern JS reads like this:
const needsAnArray = (arr) => {
// All the type checking we need.
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return false;
return => { ... });
Need the fruit names like before?
// In my opinion, this reads a lot less magically than Lodash anyway.
const fruitNames = => f['name']);
Need to filter it to the expensive ones?
const expensiveFruits = fruits.filter((f) => f['price'] > 2);
Want to sum their prices?
const priceSum = fruits.reduce((acc, f) => acc + f['price'], 0);
The advent of arrow functions, new type checking, and the new functional iterating methods made Lodash for 99% of use cases obsolete.
But so what?
"OK. I get it. You don't need Lodash anymore. But what if you want it? What's the harm (other than those already listed above)? It's fine."
Let's check out some bundle sizes.
React - which is a career-defining library for many folks (myself included), bundles down to 6.4kB. That is insanely impressive given the sheer amount of functionality that it adds.
Lodash - 69.8kB. Why?
"OK. But I import Lodash correctly, so the bundle size is way smaller."
There are several ways you can export modules and import them later on. There are default exports, and named exports.
// This is a default export.
import _ from 'lodash';
_.sortBy(fruits, 'price');
// This is a named export.
import { sortBy } from 'lodash';
sortBy(fruits, 'price');
So, you'd want a named export to get the lowest size, right?
Turns out, this is yet another JS footgun 😎. The actual 'correct' method looks like this:
// A default export FROM the specific module.
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
In my career so far, I have seen about 5 or 6 seperate, distinct, large, mature commercial JavaScript codebases. NONE of them have imported Lodash correctly.
(Most codebases seem to have import _ from 'lodash';
down to muscle memory.)
Never say never use something
There are non-trivial Lodash functions like cloneDeep()
or memoize()
In vanilla JS, deeply cloning an Object can be a pain:
// Some complicated, nested object
const something = {
a: [ "hello", "goodbye" ], // typeof object
b: (...args) => null, // typeof function
c: { fruit: "banana" }, // typeof object
d: 5, // typeof number
const shallow = { ...something };
Think of the spread operator in this case as reassigning the keys of something
to the keys of shallow
It's a bit like:
function shallow(obj, newObj) {
for (const key in obj) {
newObj[key] = obj[key];
The objects that you copy using this method are passed by reference.
const shallow = { ...something };
// shallow.c and something.c now refer to the same object in memory.
shallow['c']['fruit'] = "apple";
// It's the same with the array.
something['a'][1] = "ciao";
There's a bit of a known evil hack for this, serialising into JSON and then parsing that back. However, functions do not have JSON equivalents, so they get turned into undefined
// Yep, actually.
const uninformed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(something));
// Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
Compared to Lodash's cloneDeep
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/fp/cloneDeep';
const clone = cloneDeep(something);
// false - Objects are cloned
clone['a'] === something['a'];
// false - Primitives are also cloned
clone['d'] === something['d']
// true - Functions just copy over the reference
clone['c'] === something['c']
So if you need to copy a deeply nested object that contains functions as values, as well as mutate the values stored on the clone but NOT the functions - then by all means reach for Lodash.
Don't play their game
There are some other non-trivial functions, but honestly I recommend writing the vanilla ES6 even if it is boilerplate.
Lodash functions like sortBy()
and uniqBy()
can reduce writing lengthy sort functions or reducer functions, but is it seriously worth it?
In JS, sorting by default is done by converting the values into strings, then sorting alphabetically.
const unsorted = [ 1, 2, 10, 15, 25, 3, 6, 8 ];
// [ 1, 10, 15, 2, 25, 3, 6, 8 ]
const sorted = [...unsorted].sort();
Lodash has much more reasonable defaults for sorting:
// [ 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 25 ]
const actuallySorted = _.sortBy(unsorted);
However - is more magic and default behaviour here really warranted?
There isn't any examples or data or whatever that I can use in this argument, but I have worked alongside developers who cannot get anywhere without Lodash.
Most who use Lodash do not reach for it sparingly (it would be worse if they did some things in one, other things in the other). I argue that constant use of this library will lead to you thinking in Lodash.
Don't think in Lodash. Think in JavaScript.