Spread Operator
The spread / rest operator (...
) is a common, modern JavaScript syntax introduced in ECMAScript version 6.
The ...
syntax in JavaScript does a couple different things. Personally this always gets referred to as the 'spread operator' but in reality it is called two things:
- 'Spread operator' - takes in an Iterable and 'spread's it into a function call
- 'Rest parameters' - takes in an Iterable, and condenses remaining elements not yet destructured into a single element.
Spread operator
The spread syntax unpacks an Iterable into positional arguments for a function.
// This function takes in a bunch of positional arguments.
function sum(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
// 6
Destructuring is a flavor of JavaScript syntax for unpacking values from objects and arrays.
Basic usage
const prices = { banana: 2.5, apple: 1.6 };
const { banana, apple } = prices;
// 2.5
const scores = [99, 70, 65];
const [ scoreOne, scoreTwo, scoreThree ] = scores;
// 70
Rest parameters
Rest parameters can only ever be the last element.
With the ...
operator Using the ...
operator here is called a rest parameter or a rest element.
const prices = { banana: 2.5, apple: 1.6, tomato: 1.9 };
const { apple, ...otherPrices } = prices;
// { banana: 2.5, tomato: 1.9 }
Renaming elements
const prices = { banana: 2.5, apple: 1.6, tomato: 1.8 };
// bestFruit = 1.6
const { apple: bestFruit } = fruit;
// You can use this with defaults as well!
// coolVegetable = 1
const { cucumber: coolVegetable = 1 } = fruit;
Destructuring arrays
const alphabet = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', ..., 'z' ];
// a = 'a'
const [ a, ...remaining ] = alphabet;
// This actually works perfectly fine for strings, too, since they are iterables.
const alphabetString = 'abcdefg...z';
// a = 'a'
const [ a, ...rest ] = alphabetString;
In functions
const processLotsOfStuff = ({ thing, another, aThird, wow }) => {
function processLotsOfStuff({ thing, another, aThird, ...others }) => {
const processWithDefaults = ({ thing=null, another='hi', ...rest }) => {
Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns
// This arrow function is missing its arrow, the error is not helpful :)
const test = ({ a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }) {
Invalid usages
const alphabet = ['a', 'b', 'c', ..., 'z'];
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Rest element must be last element
// You can't use this to grab the last element, or any in the middle.
const [ ...first, z ] = alphabet;
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid destructuring assignment target
// You can't assign a default to a rest parameter.
const [ first, ...rest = [ 'x', 'y' ] ] = alphabet;