TypeScript is a strongly-typed (questionably) superset of JavaScript.
Initialising a TypeScript project
This setup will use yarn, although you could just as easily use npm.
# Create a new project folder
mkdir project-name
cd project-name
# Set it up with Git & NPM
git init
npm init
# Install and initialise TypeScript
yarn add -D typescript
yarn tsc --init
If you just want 'a good config', there are many official recommended versions for you.
Sets the module (or import) system for the project.
For a TypeScript source file of:
import { pi } from "./constants";
export const tau = pi * 2;
The value CommonJS
would emit:
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.tau = void 0;
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
exports.tau = constants_1.pi * 2;
and System
would use their respective module types.
, ES6
, ES2020
, ES2022
, ESNext
would output:
import { pi } from "./constants";
export const tau = pi * 2;
The exact same thing.
By default, TypeScript will emit compiled JavaScript files to the same path from source. So if you have ./src/math.ts
, TypeScript will emit ./src/math.js
To change this behaviour, use the outDir
option to define a directory to put all emitted files into, or an outFile
option to bundle all outputs into one.
Some examples:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist", // This would emit ./dist/math.js
"outFile": "main.js", // This would emit ./main.js
By default, TypeScript will not allow JavaScript files to exist in source alongside TypeScript ones.
To allow for all JS files, the option is allowJs
. To do analysis on JS files for incorrect usage, the option is checkJs
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true
Type Definitions (Jest, Node, React)
On initial TypeScript installation, any existing Jest tests may start failing like:
Cannot find name 'describe'. Do you need to install type definitions for a test runner?
Cannot find name 'it'. Do you need to install type definitions for a test runner?
Cannot find name 'expect'.
Cannot find name 'test'. Do you need to install type definitions for a test runner?
To fix, you'll need to install the requisite type definitions from @types
# Some example types
yarn add -D @types/jest @types/node @types/react
Then add them under compilerOptions.types
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["jest", "node", "react"]
Index signatures
Index signatures are used to express the shape of key/value pairs.
Like a Python dict
type Fruit = "apple" | "banana" | "orange";
type Prices = {
[index: Fruit]: number;
// This is equivalent to
type Prices = Record<Fruit, number>;
See index signatures in the TypeScript documentation
The Array
The shorthand for T[]
is identical to Array<T>
type Basket = Fruit[];
// Is the same as
type Basket = Array<Fruit>;
See the array type in the TypeScript documentation
No property access on index signatures (TS #4111)
For more info, see the documentation page on this option.
Property X comes from an index signature, so it must be accessed with ['X'].
This issue comes up when doing dot-notation for accessing a property on an Object which is not explicitly defined in its type.
type FruitName = "banana" | "apple" | "pear";
type Fruit = Record<string, string> & { name: FruitName };
const apple: Fruit = {
name: "apple",
price: 200,
display: () => "Apple - USD$2.0",
// This type is explicitly defined in the Fruit type, so this is fine
// Error (ts4111): Property 'price' comes from an index signature
To disable, add to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": false
Implicit method overrides
For more info, check out the TS.tv page on error TS4114 or the official docs on the noImplicitOverride
config option.
An implicit override is something like this:
class Base {
method(): T {
/* ... */
class Extender extends Base {
// This implicitly overrides Base.method()!
method(): T {
/* ... */
As opposed to the same class written with an explicit override:
class Extender extends Base {
// Now it explicitly overrides, and all is well :)
override method(): T {
/* ... */
Sometimes this rule can get confused when interacting with static methods, which typically do not need to be explicitly overridden. This is especially true with static async methods:
class Base {
static async method(): Promise<unknown> { /* ... */ };
class Extender extends Base {
// These keywords are invalid together!
// So TS4114 collides with JS syntax.
override static async method(): Promise<unknown> { ... };
You can disable this behaviour by setting noImplicitOverride
to false
"compilerOptions": {
// Behaviour disabled :)
"noImplicitOverride": false
Type guards
A type guard is a TypeScript-unique function whose return type is a 'type predicate' notated as argument is T
. However, their 'actual' return type is boolean
Type guards are used as an advanced form of type narrowing.
// You don't necessarily need to use 'unknown' as the argument type.
function isDuck(given: unknown): given is Duck {
// If it quacks like a duck 🦆.
return Boolean(given) && 'quack' in given;
// This could also be written as an anonymous function in the same way.
const isDuck = (given: unknown): given is Duck => {
These can later be used to narrow the type of a variable at runtime.
function attemptGetDuck(): Duck | undefined {
// handful is unknown
const handful: unknown = scoopFromPond();
// The isDuck type guard is used here to early return.
if (!isDuck(handful)) return undefined;
// The compiler is smart enough to know that at this point,
// handful is Duck
return handful;
vs type
has one extremely niche but confusing syntactic sugar, use type
For more info, see the TypeScript documentation on the matter.
The interface
and type
keywords are extremely similar. They are both used for defining the shape of an Object.
interface Animal {
name: string;
weight: number;
type Animal = {
name: string;
weight: number;
They can both be extended as expected:
// FlyingAnimal = { name: string, weight: number, wingspan: number };
interface FlyingAnimal extends Animal {
wingspan: number;
// FlyingAnimal = { name: string, weight: number, wingspan: number };
type FlyingAnimal = Animal & {
wingspan: number;
However, there is one piece of syntax that interface
contains, which type
does not:
// We define the interface once...
// Fruit = { name: string };
interface Fruit {
name: string;
// Then define it again!
// Fruit = { name: string, price: number };
interface Fruit {
price: number;
After this, TypeScript recognises the Fruit interface as
name: string;
price: number;
Which is a kind of implicit extension.
However, using the type
type Fruit = {
name: string;
// Error: Duplicate identifier 'Fruit'.
type Fruit = {
price: number;
OPINION: This is dumb, and confusing. Don't use this. Use type
, and explicitly extend your types.
Index signatures
To define an object with a particular key/value signature, it looks like:
type Sales = {
[key: string]: number;
So to make a mapping between Fruit
s and Price
s, it looks like:
type FruitPriceMapping = {
[key: Fruit]: Price;
const MAPPING: FruitPriceMapping = {
apple: { value: 25, currency: "aud" },
Alternatively, TypeScript has the Record
utility type, which you could consider more terse:
type FruitPriceMapping = Record<Fruit, Price>;
Generic functions
Generic functions are strongly-typed functions which take in a type parameter, which can be used in the signature of the function.
type Maybe = unknown | undefined;
function unwrap<T extends Maybe>(maybe: T = null): unknown | null {
return maybe;
function asList<T>(item: T): Array<T> {
return [item];
arrow function generics have a bit of a wonky syntax when dealing in .tsx
// This is the most commonly accepted answer.
// The comma indicates that this is a generic type with only one argument.
const asList<T, >(item: T) => [ item ];
// This also works, but is considered more of a hack.
const asList<T extends unknown>(item: T) => [ item ];
// This ALSO works but is considered even more of a hack.
const asList<T extends {}>(item: T) => [ item ];
This is because the parser can't distinguish between <T>
(as in a generic) and <T/>
(as in a HTML tag).
Conditional types
A conditional type is a kind of generic type which passes the generic through a condition before resolving to one of two types.
type Conditional<T> = T extends Condition ? TrueType : FalseType;
This happens at compile-time.
Say, we have a Success
type which contains some data, and we want to get the type of that data at compile time.
type Success = { success: true; data: unknown };
type Failure = { success: false; error: Error };
// Error! Type "data" cannot be used to index type T.
type SuccessData<T> = T["data"];
To fix this issue, you could restrict that SuccessData
only takes in a Success
// This is happy now :)
type SuccessData<T extends Success> = T["data"];
// However, if we try to use this in practice it'll end up less good.
const response: Success | Failure = goGetAnAPI();
// Error! The response object might not have a data key.
const data: SuccessData<typeof response> = response.data;
However you run into that last issue. No bueno. A solution here would be to let SuccessData
take in anything, and only unwrap if it's required. Otherwise, default to something like never
to indicate that its value is not to be used.
type SuccessData<T> = T extends Success ? T["data"] : never;
// never | unknown
const data: SuccessData<typeof response>;
The infer
The infer
keyword is used for declaring a new inline generic type inside of another type declaration.
This is usually used for extracting types from inside of generic wrapper and conditional types.
That is a pretty meaningless statement, so here are some examples.
You could use this as an alternative for the T["data"]
from before, to get the success data.
type SuccessData<T> = T extends { data: infer Data } : Data : never;
You could use this to unwrap an array into its type.
type ArrayType<T> = T extends Array<infer Item> : Item : T;
You can do the same thing to the return types of functions.
type FunctionReturns<T> = T extends () => infer Return ? Return : void;
type StringFunction = () => string;
// Str = string
type Str = FunctionReturns<StringFunction>;